
Are you interested in having Molly speak at one of your events or teach at one of your conferences? Simply click the button below to tell us a little bit about you and your request and someone from our media team will be in touch shortly to discuss. 

Already booked Molly for your event?

If you’ve already booked Molly on your stage, click any of the photos below to download, or if you need something else feel free to email your media requests [email protected]. There’s also a downloadable version of this media sheet below.

Sample Interview Topics

Professional Bio

Molly Killip Campbell, founder of Own Your Self-Esteem, managed $1B on Wall Street, was a corporate COO and VP, a business and personal coach, a solo entrepreneur and a partner in a non-traditional healing practice with certifications in many alternative healing modalities for humans, dogs and horses. She has been passionate about increasing people’s self-esteem through coaching for many years but never more so than when she was suddenly widowed on the verge of the COVID pandemic. Molly became her own client, left to navigate devastatingly deep grief in solitude through intense introspection. Using journaling to focus her grief allowed Molly to survive, dare to thrive, and ultimately want to share her experiences with others.

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